
Pyromancer brings over 25 years of experience in firebreathing and performing, packed into one fireshow. For this firebreather, there is no darkness in fire. He delivers cheerfull joy and makes people laugh and smile. He brings people together with his excellent firebreathing skills. His fire will make your audience happy, day and night!



Over the years, Pyromancer performed his firebreathing show at hundreds of festivals, corporate and private parties all around the world. It’s imposible to mention them all, but the festival highlights include:

Spettacolo Brunnen (Switzerland)
Artisti Di Strada Ascona (Switzerland)
Berlin Lacht (Germany)
Street Music Festival Satu Mare (Romania)
Zwarte Cross (The Netherlands)
Carnivale Den Haag (The Netherlands)
Carnivale Groningen (The Netherlands)
City Spectacular Dublin & Cork (Ireland)
Ana Desetnica Ljubljana (Slovienia)
Festival Lent (Slovenia)
Rotterdams Straatfestival (The Netherlands)
Leeuwarden Straattheater Festvial (The Netherlands)
Parade (The Netherlands)
Robodock (The Netherlands)
Museumnacht Ename (Belgium)
Gevleugelde Stad (Belgium)
Museumnacht Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
TEDx Utrecht (The Netherlands)
MaasMaanVuur (Belgium)
Winter in Antwerpen (Belgium)
Putteke Winter (Belgium)
Waterloo Buskers Festival (Canada)
Toronto Buskers Festival (Canada)
Halifax Buskers Festival (Canada)
Ottawa Buskers Festival (Canada)
Port Credit Buskers Festival (Canada)
Burning Man Festival (US)
Just For Laughs Montreal (Canada)
Dubai Comedy Festival (UAE)
Kuala Lumpur International Buskers Festival (Malaysia)
Singapore River Buskers Festival (Signapore)


The Pyromancer has been playing with fire for pretty much his while life and learned firebreathing in 1995. From that moment, he took his torches to parties, festivals and on the streets to show his fire arts. He was the first firebreather that could make flames last for several seconds, a technique that is now referred to as sustains. He was the first to show people a continues flame while walking, as well as a threefold pirouette while breathing a long flame. In the early 2000’s he was one of the few serious one man fire(breathing) circle shows around. The character of Pyromancer has always displayed humour. Over the years, the shows developed from dark to lighter and happier.

In 2004 he combined his fire with poetry slam in the show Pyromancer Preekt(Pyromancer Preaches). Also, he showed his flames during the opera La Bohème, performed by the Dutch Nationale Opera as well as Orpheo and Euredice, performed by the Reisopera. In 2008 he played a role in a Slovenian arthouse movie about a travelling circus: Silent Sonata. Shortly before that, he built a burning carrousel and used it in the show Pyroselle. Tegenwoordig speelt hij nog steeds met veel plezier zijn cirkelshow en werkt hij onder de titel Pyromatrix on combining fire with electronics.

Pyromancer (David Boelee) in Silent Sonata by Janez Burger.